Cartech does vehicle inspections, brake repairs and car suspension repairs faster and more affordable than anyone else in the area


Our mechanics have been servicing the Bucks county area: Langhorne, Levittown, Yardley, Morrisville, and Bristol for over 30 years. We are a certified PA State inspection station with high quality repair and maintenance services.


Look at our results from any angle, and you’ll see Cartech Auto Service is a source for real quality. We’re continually pushing ourselves to raise the bar for how we define quality.


At Cartech Auto Service, we do what we say, when we say. You can remain confident in all of your interactions with us.


While Cartech Auto Service is always striving to improve, we’ve never lost sight of good, old-fashioned customer service. You will find everyone on our staff to be friendly and responsive.

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Call To Schedule An Appointment 215-547-6600
Call for an appointment today or simply walk in.

Car Mechanic in Fairless Hills

Auto mechanics near Langhorne and Levittown for both foreign and domestic vehicles.

We look forward to serving you.